YES there is a silver effing lining to this election.

Jacques Fu
Startups With Kids
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2016


Whether you voted for or against Trump, we can all agree there has been plenty of negativity and divisiveness. I wanted to take a moment and share what I’ve learned that has been good about this historic election.

As a parent, entrepreneur, citizen of the United States (not moving to Canada), and eternal optimist, here are some highlights that I like to focus on.

A woman CAN be president.

Yes, perhaps the woman you wanted to win this time around didn’t, but it wasn’t an impossibility, it was ridiculously close. The next time the right woman comes along, there will be a place for her. A Black president, a Woman president, and perhaps in my children’s future someday, an Asian one.

There is hope for fighting the establishment.

Democrats lost the ‘blue wall’ states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Their candidate lost despite a well entrenched sea of resources from media to political connections to demographics. It means change can happen, and it means political parties hold a little less power over the public sentiment. This is a good thing.

We are more multicultural than we think.

We elected our first Vietnamese-American woman in congress and will also find the first Somali-American Muslim woman in a state legislature. Despite the undertones of the campaign, our celebration of different cultures, ethnicities, and identities continues to grow and will not be silenced.

Your vote counts. Even if you don’t live in a swing state.

It was still a tight election. A one percent extra marginal gain in the right states would have swung in the election in an entirely different direction.

You can’t spend your way to the highest office.

Hillary spent more but it didn’t change the outcome. It is nice to know that money and connections can’t always buy an election or public office. There is alignment you need with the constituents.

Running for office doesn’t mean you have to be a career politician, or even a politician.

I think this is also a good thing. Fresh perspectives and experience outside of the political infrastructure can help create stronger leadership. There is often an echo chamber that can be developed in any industry and that includes politics which can benefit from outside ideas.

China and Russia have indicated a desire to improve collaboration.

While I realize that is likely being seen as an opportunity to leverage their power, a warming of relations can still be a good indicator of global progress.

“Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division,” Trump said.

“It is time for us to come together as one united people. It’s time.” This from the same person who sarcastically suggested Russia hack our email. Whatever was said on the campaign trail, I have a feeling the burdens of our Highest Office will temper our future president’s bold proclamations.



CTO @ Healthcare Startup, Serial Entrepreneur, Time Hacker, Chief Innovator, Code Ninja, Glasshole, Professional Student, Good Listener, and Apprentice Parent.